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[SOLVED] My javascript stops working when filters applied

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Prestashop 1.5


Okay, so I have a custom piece of Javascript that I've added to the category page using a CategoryController override.


It's a fairly basic script that just displays product information when the image is hovered, then hides it again when the mouse leaves the image.

It works great, until you apply a filter, once the filter is applied, it stops working.


In addition, if you remove all active filters, the script does not resume working, it continues to not work.


I have noticed that applying filters adds a '#' to the end of the category URL and leaves it there when you remove the filters... though I don't suspect this is the problem.


My script is basically:




Edited by jd.creative (see edit history)
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I finally worked it out.


I created an override JS for the layered navigation and put my script in it's document.ready() function, but that didn't work, I then found the updateProductUrl() function, and added it there instead, no it works beautifully :)



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