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Background color

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I know this seems like an inanely stupid question, but I can't find the answer anywhere so far...how do you change the background color of the shop?  I know how to do it with HTML, but I'm still a little boggled by what information is stored in which files for my shop.  I know the hex value that I want to use for the color, but which files (and in which directories) do I have to alter to make this the default background on all my pages?


It seems like this would be under "themes" but for me there's the ipod default and nothing else.


Another burning config question I have is how to get rid of or change the "dites bonjour a iphone" logo underneath my banner.  It says "homepage logo subtitle," and I assume there's a way to change this to my own image but I didn't see which module pertained to this.  I also don't want to have any ads, so I removed that module but there is still a box at the bottom that says "ads go here."  Any advice on how to get rid of these or customize them with my own images/messages?


Thanks so much!

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Hi ristretto6,


To change the color of your shops background;


Open /prestadir/themes/themename/css/global.css

You can open it using Notepad if you're on Windows.


Then find this piece of code, it's almost at the top;


body {
background-color: #FFFFFF;


There you can change the hex-value for your background color.

Tip: Backup the original file global.css and play with it changing some colors and stuff, thats the way you can learn adjusting css style sheets.




To change the banner and text on your homepage do this in your Back end;

Modules then look for ' Home text editor' and click Configure!



Have fun and don't hesitate to ask questions, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask! :D

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  • 5 months later...

I've changed in a same way file themes/theme_name/global.css, #page property. Example is here: http://e-shop.hanspaulska-liga.cz

So now body property has background image that u see and #page property should have just colored background, white(but it hasn't !!!!!, i see in browser transparent background for #page property). Whatever i tried, no effect. First i was editing the Orange-Boutique theme, now im playing with the original Prestashop theme. Normally i use Opera and Firefox, there is the described bug in both of them. But i tried IE7 today afternoon and there is everything ok and page looks how it should. So im really mad now. Validator gave me no advices... i hope u will be able to help me.

Thanks in advance, Jey

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You can not use both... Background colour and Background image!
Where an .img file is installed it will over-ride any colour scheme set.

yes i know.
but if u open that link in opera/firefox or internet explorer, u'll see the difference.

in explorer web looks ok.
in opera, firefox, background of whole page block is transparent. also same with the original prestashop theme. what to do..

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Hi, i've discovered a working solution. Cause of problem was in bad Theme files, concretely footer.tpl for 3 themes.
In html source, the page property was closed before the footer property, so footer could not clear:both floating blocks - left, center, right. If u dont understand my crappy english or u just dont understand (x)html and u want to know more about this solution, contact me through the "FORUM" at my web site http://www.hanspaulska-liga.cz/

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  • 1 year later...

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