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Override Documentation/Examples

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I'm needing some guidance here. If there is good documentation for this please point me there. I'm attempting to figure out the template override of CSS for modules as well as verbiage.

For example I need to change the style for the module "blockuserinfo" and from what I've read from the forums I need to place the "blockuserinfo.css" in my new template folder in the "css" directory. That doesn't seem to work.

As for verbiage changes I saw a post that says to place those in my new template folder in a new directory titled "override" but I'm not seeing/finding the next steps for that. For example on the header nav I want the "Login" text changed to "Trade Login". Where would I do that and where would I place the override file?


I know this a lot to post in just one post and yes I am a "newb" to Prestahop. I have searched for the answers and I've found different solutions but none of them work (except for editing the file directly).


Thanks in advance,


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Hi stnadmin,

textual changes, normally can be done using Localization->translations.

Select the group you want to edit (in the 'Login' case, choose Installed Modules translations), your theme 9standard 'default') and the language you want to change the text of. (In case of just a 'different English' wordings, choose the USA flag), find the translations lines of the "Module: blockuserinfo" and find the line 'Login'. Add the new text to the right ('Trade Login')



Hope this helps,


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for overriding css files, look here:



(in the example, change my_theme to the theme folder of the theme you use (standard 'default'), so something like



Also, in the dodcumentaton, there is a small error. It says ..../modules/my_modules/views/....

this of course should be just the name of the current module (not anything plural) you want to overrride



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Hi Xavier,

Thanks for 'listening'! :-)


N.B. Xavier, If you're interested in another doc. problem, see my reply to this post about weight range steps (incl/Exclusiveness):




or, in some more detail here:




Hope this makes it clear. otherwise PM me :-)


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