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My Prestashop Showing Up As a Virus?

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I had a client not able to access my Prestashop link, and when I tried to visit it myself, my Avast antivirus software tells me Malicious Url Blocked, and that there is an URL: mal infection. I'm not sure what I should do about this, does this mean my store has been hacked? This would be a big concern if someone is trying to steal customer information. Is there something I can do?

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I believe there is a scanner tool in google webmaster tools that can scan your site.


There is a good chance some malicious code was added to your site.


You can also try to "View Source" and look for any links you do not recognize, or <iframe> tags

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I had a client not able to access my Prestashop link, and when I tried to visit it myself, my Avast antivirus software tells me Malicious Url Blocked, and that there is an URL: mal infection. I'm not sure what I should do about this, does this mean my store has been hacked? This would be a big concern if someone is trying to steal customer information. Is there something I can do?


if it is possible, please share the url to your website i will try to check it

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