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[SOLVED] Refresh after save utilizing form Helper


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Hi community, I'm facing a problem using the form helper in a module backend.

I've setup a form helper and it display correctly in the module configuration page.

However when I save the configuration and then I refresh the page I get all the errors that are related to the validations that I've implemented.

The problem is that in the URL there is a paramter equal to "submit".$this->displayName (where $this->displayName is the name of my module) and so the isSubmit check in getContent method pass but without any form values.

Actually I solved the problem with a workaround that is to roughly check the $_POST variable instead of relying on the isSubmit method (that check also the $_GET variable).

Is there a better way (maybe a configuration of the form helper) to solve this problem?


Thanks in advance! :)

Edited by g11111g (see edit history)
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I dropped the utilization of the Helpers as I see that they are particularly difficult to handle and doesn't help to clear and give to the code a better structure.


I mark this post as [sOLVED] even though it wasn't really solved...


For everyone that front this problem I personally advice to wait utilizing the Helpers until they get better supported and developed.

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