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How are name and meta name fields involved in search results?

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Hi to all,


I have one question regarding some SEO settings and I would need your advice.


Some of the products that I'm selling have few ways of naming among different people.


For example one spare part for washing machines in Serbian language is named 2 different ways but it means the same thing: "Tunel guma za veš mašinu" and "Guma vrata veš mašine".


I have name field, and then in the SEO tab of the product I have addition of 4 different fields:


* meta name

* meta description

* meta keywords

* firendly URL


Is it good practice if I put it like this:


Name: "Tunel guma za veš mašinu"

meta name: "Guma vrata veš mašine"

meta description: "Tunel guma / guma vrata veš mašine Beko..."

meta keywords: "tunel, guma, vrata, veš mašine, Beko"

friendly URL: www.dekom.co.rs/....../tunel-guma-ves-masine


Also, will Google and other search engines return take in consideration both meta name and name?


Will PS search function return results only by name or it will take in consideration meta name as well?


Every suggestion is welcomed.

Thank you.


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I use the google analytics keyword tool to give me ideas about the keywords people use to search for a specific product or category. This can be of help. Then keywords and meta attributes are not limited to one word or sentence so you can have both and search engines will crawl and index both meta attributes which will be used to link searches to your site.


Hope that sheds some light.

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Ty Doulas Akula,


Im using that G analytics too, but deal here is that many people uses both terms equally. People in the north parts of the county uses mostly 1st variant and others on the south are more friendly with the second term. So for me is important to provide them with both terms, or in the other hand for my web shop to be available more or less equally in the search results when one is searching these 2 variants of the same product name.


Will Google index both these terms no matter in which fields they are?


And other question was will PS core search function find all "Tunel guma" items if customer searches for "Guma vrata"?


Thank you.

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I think google will index both keywords or meta attributes and will consider them in search results. Then what happens in the science of SEO indexing like in googles case is that when more people search for term A and are led to your product AP with the keyword A and still others search for product AP with keyword B. Google ranks your keywords higher and assigns a higher quality score to the product because it is relevant to what users are searching for. So the more you can specify the keywords to a large number of audience for a specific product - the better because your quality score will be higher.


Then for shops search functionality - the search has settings you can optimize to ensure that when a user searches for an item more than the name is used to assign weights to what actually comes up. This settings are in preferences >> search. There are a couple of parameters to optimize content that is considered for search. Personally I havent tried this - but I have a feeling it can work ! :) .

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It sounds good, ty Doulas.


I noticed that core search function in PS doesn't have advance option nor there is a way for customer to filter search resuilts in any way... Is there some module which provides such advanced search features?


Or maybe I'm just no seeing them? :)

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I'm running PS v.


I have some options like Pounders but this is all in my backend not in the front office.

There is no available options for customers to choose some filters like in advance search options and similar stuff...

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I would have attached a screenshot of my screen shot were it possible in this post. But under weight we have parameters like

Product name weight

Reference weight

Short description weight

Description weight

Category weight

Manufacturer weight

Tags weight

Attributes weight

Features weight


This is what I have and believe the scores therein influence the criteria used for search. So for your products you can set a higher weight for the descriptions then in the description have both languages to influence the chances of it appearing in prestashops search.

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Yes, I have those also but thats just one thing that I searched for.


2nd thing is actually advance search options in the front office. It seems that there is no such option in the core PS search module.

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