Jump to content default theme issue

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After recently upgradign my site and theme to from 1.5.4 I ran into this issue.


The screenshot shows a header logo in the current default template. In prior default templates (even as late as 1.5.4) the header logo would not overlap...rather it would just push the rest of the page down. Can any offer any assisatnce into how to change the template?



Edited by schnappi (see edit history)
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I am still using 1.5.4 but maybe there is problem with some files. How did you upgrade? Did you use 1-click upgrade module or FTP client? Have you tried it one more time?


1 click upgrade module. I beleive that it is a problem with the default theme in

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Try to use FTP method to upgrade, because 1-click module sometimes doesn't work.


Upgrading manually from 1.4 to 1.5 killed my shop. There is nothing wrong with the upgrade module. It works (suprisingly) well. I used to upgrade manually in 1.4 but it is near impossible to manually upgrade correctly with 1.5.


There is an issue with the default theme in It has nothing to do with my upgrade. If I would not have updated my default theme when upgrading from 1.5.4 to there would be no issue.

Edited by schnappi (see edit history)
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