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Unable to load template - Win/IIS Installation

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We're trying to install Prestashop on a Windows environment without success.


After installing the product, we delete "install" directory and rename "admin" folder to "adminshop" as required to make Prestashop work.

During the installation no errors or problems were noticed (all parameters were OK/green), apart from two parameters:

- allow_url_fopen is NOT allowed;

- magic quotes is NOT deactivated.

We have no power on this, we can't manage php.ini file because we are on a Windows shared hosting solution.


After that, WITHOUT us doing ANYTHING, if we just try to open the homepage of the just installed shop we get the error (web root is \\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows\):


SmartyException' with message 'Unable to load template file '\\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows/modules/favoriteproducts/views/templates/hook/favoriteproducts-header.tpl'' in \\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows\tools\smarty\sysplugins\smarty_internal_templatebase.php:127


If we open the Admin, we can see the admin homepage and we can access to SOME admin modules, but the most of them are unaccessible due to the same error in smarty_internal_templatebase.php:127.


These are the results of Smarty's testInstall():

Smarty Installation test...

Testing template directory...

FAILED: \\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows/themes/default/tpl\ does not exist.

Testing compile directory...

\\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows\cache\smarty\compile is OK.

Testing plugins directory...

\\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows\tools\smarty\plugins is OK.

Testing cache directory...

\\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows\cache\smarty\cache is OK.

Testing configs directory...

FAILED: \\WAGNER\wwwroot$\3e1cdb6dd.hostnd\htdocs\windows/tools/smarty/configs\ does not exist.

Testing sysplugin files...

... OK

Testing plugin files...

... OK

Tests complete.


This have been made before line 127 in smarty_internal_templatebase.php.

We know it can't find Template directory and Smarty's "configs" directory, but what can we do? It doesn't make sense to create those folders but it doesn't make sense that after installation completed those folders have not been created as well, if necessary.

Also, we checked another (working) Prestashop installation on Linux where these two folders does not exist at all.


Our parameters:

PrestaShop ver: (we can't use 1.5.4 because theme is not supported on that version)

Server: Windows NT CHERUBINI13 6.1 build 7601

Server API: CGI/FastCGI




We can't access to Admin's system configuration page because we get the error when trying to open it.


Thank you for your help.

Edited by BluedaySrl (see edit history)
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