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Add new buttons on homepage

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I need help regarding buttons on homepage. my website is www.cgames.lt


At first, on my homepage there was only one button "Add to cart", It appeared even then product is out of stock. Later, I installed "Pre-order" module, so some changes were to be made. My friend tried to do that, but an attempt was unsuccessful as "Pre order" button is appearing even though product can not be pre-ordered.


So I would like to ask for a help to modify my homepage.


The first thing I would like is that when product is out of stock, would appear button "Add to cart", but that button must be like in picture "kateogrijos" I have attached. It can't not be pressed. It is the same as in categories page: http://cgames.lt/cat...p?id_category=7


The hardest part, I think, is that products, which are out of stock, but pre-order ability is enabled in administration panel, are considered out of stock as well. (in fact, they are out of stock, as there are 0 products available, so orders are denied). But I need that if product which is out of stock, but pre-order is enabled, would have the same button below of them as products in stock. I do not, though, if it is possible to do this. I am adding an example with paint. This whole thing is about categories page, but the same goes for Homepage as well


Furthermore, How to change word of the buttons? Now there is "Add to cart", but I would like to change it to "Buy" or something similar to this



Edited by Gizas (see edit history)
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I can help you with the second portion of the question.


Around line ~440 on product.tpl you should find an input button with;


value="{l s='Add to cart'}"


Following that should be the "Add to cart" between html tags, try changing that.

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