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Can I remove a localisation pack

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I've set my default language to EN (UK) and deleted the EN(US) language which throws an error when i delete it: "An error occurred while deleting this selection. but still deletes the EN(US) language.

Edited by kkm (see edit history)
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It's better to "disable" default language pack that to remove it.


Thanks Vekia. That also throws error "An error occurred while updating the status." but disables the language. Looks like a lot of data related issue with the shop to me.

Edited by kkm (see edit history)
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Hello, you installed prestashop from official installation package? Or you use some preinstaller from your webhosting control panel?


It's from the official website. Is it that I have to delete the sample data before making any configuration changes?

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So any ideas on the why, or am I the only one facing this issue?


Just to re-create/reconfirm, I re-installed PrestaShop again last evening (deleted the prestahop folder and dropped the database schema). Noticed even though during the installation procedure it asks you for the default language/country it defaults to EN(US). This is definitely a bug with the installation procedure.


Bit concerned with the date format change not working. The e.g. below reads (DD-MM-YYYY) so I guess that is a valid entry but it still throws the error. I checked the table ps_lang and it shows that it has successfully update it to dd-mm-yyyy. Once you make this change, do the existing orders change to the new date format? How do I test this change - creating a new order?

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