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1.5.3 Group Discounts Not Calculating Correctly

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I'm using PS 1.5.3 with Leo Pets theme and I've emailed them as a possible theme error causing this but I wonder if anyone may know how to fix this.


We only use taxes for the US state Utah.


1. When a Utah customer is logged in, it displays the taxes in the product price despite me selecting "taxes excluded" everywhere (ex. new product module on homepage).


2. If I set a group discount of say 57% with taxes excluded and set a Utah customer into that group, the discount should make a particular product $17 (taxes excluded), instead it makes the product $13.51. When I put a Georgia customer in that group who is not taxed at all, the price shows at $12.90. So it's not calculating correctly at all.


But I created a 50% group and that calculated correctly for the Georgia customer at $15, but for the Utah customer it says $15.71, which the .71 is the tax. So, it calculated correctly but it's showing the tax.


Also with the groups, when I set a customer into another group that I create such as a Wholesale group, I have to keep them in the "Customer" group also or else the New Product module doesn't show for them even though it's activated for their new group.


Any ideas? I've searched nothing...

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