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ned help koq error kayak gni ya mau import translation...?



Server error

The website encountered an error while retrieving http://alfa-comp.inf...8b109c1779ff079. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Here are some suggestions:

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.


mohon pencerahan nya suhu...

Edited by andra09 (see edit history)
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I have been trying to solve the same problem for months.

In my case, the problem was not with the max_input_vars like I've seen in other posts, as it was set to 10000.


Each time I tried to save my module translations I get a 500 error, however when I went back to the module translation page, for some modules the translations were saved and for others not.

I checked the file permissions and when the translations were correctly saved, the permission values were 775, and when not it was 644.


I asked my server administrator to change the permissions to 775 for all the files and subdirectories of the directories 'modules', 'mails' and 'translations', and it worked !!!


I hope it will work with you.

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