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[Solved]From where I "deactivate" the comments?

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I want to deactivate the product_comments_block_extra, from pb-right-wrapper (under the refference). But I can't find from where.

My guess is that has something to do with hooks, but in bo, I couldn't findt it, not in productscomments module, or responsive.css, product.tpl...


ps 1.5.4

not default theme, but a responsive one (autumn).

I've attached a screen shot: http://decorativ-art.../ProductCom.jpg


Thank you.

Edited by Alain Costea (see edit history)
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hello, you want to remove this:






if so, this is probably HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS (probably because i don't know how your theme code looks like)


anyway, go to the modules -> positions and try to remove the product comments module from product actions hook. should help (i hope so ;)



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Yes, that is the one.


In module/positions, the product comments can be found only there:


1. Out-of-stock product - 1 Module [This hook displays new action buttons if a product is out of stock] (Technical name: actionProductOutOfStock)

2. Pages header - 1 Module [This hook displays additional elements in the header of your pages] (Technical name: displayHeader)

3. Extra product comparison - 1 Module (Technical name: displayProductComparison)

4. Tabs on product page - 1 Module [This hook is called on the product page's tab] (Technical name: displayProductTab)

5. Tabs content on the product page - 1 Module [This hook is called on the product page's tab] (Technical name: displayProductTabContent)


The 4 and 5, are ok, I want them to be there.

2 - in header it doesn't seem to be seen anyway


Probably 3 is needed for comparasions


So, the only remaining is 1. But, if i delete the hook, and it should.t, I don't know to put it back...

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so this what you want to remove is probably here: 1 Out-of-stock product. when product is out of stock, then under price appears information about that - in this case also information about review


it's easy to put back hook, go to the modules -> positions, use "transplant hook" feature. Select your module, hook where you want to put it, and click save - thats all

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