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[ISSUE] Admin page problems

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Okay, so i get some Errors under my admin page.


example at this functions:


Add new admin profil.

My preferences

Administation - > menu



thats the problems i have spotted right now.


Please help me and understand that i am bad at English.

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Can you tell some more about the errors?

- What Prestashop version do you use?

- Is any error message shown?

- Can or can't you get into the menu's?

- When exactly do the errors occur? (When entering the menu, after pressing a button, when leaving the menu page etc.)

- Did you change anything in your code or in your shop that might cause these errors?

- Did you upgrade your shop? If so, from what version?

- Are there any problems in the front office (i.e. in your 'shop') as well?


please give as much as possible details, so that we can better help you out.

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