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dni (identification_number) should not be Required [solved]

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im using 1.5.4. i would like to display the (identification_number) field on costumers registration form. but i don't want (identification_number) field as a required field. i mean if costumer fill this field then its okay. but if costumer do not want to fill this field. so the registration form should process further without giving any error of (identification_number) Required.


pleas help me if someone can.


Thanks in advance

Edited by comzemadrid (see edit history)
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im using 1.5.4. i would like to display the (identification_number) field on costumers registration form. but i don't want (identification_number) field as a required field. i mean if costumer fill this field then its okay. but if costumer do not want to fill this field. so the registration form should process further without giving any error of (identification_number) Required.


pleas help me if someone can.


Thanks in advance


Check link: http://www.loading.e...tashop-15x.html (Link In Spanish / Sorry)

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Mucha Gracias . que si esta funciona muy bien. tambien quiero quitar (Asignar un nombre a esta dirección para futuras operaciones *) me pueded ayudar en esta caso? un slaudo



English forum should write in English :D


1 question per topic


Sorry for my English.

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