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Clothing Sizes

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I'm in the process of kitting out my catalogue before my stock arrives from my manufacturer but I am absolutely puzzled as to how I can incorporate a means of selecting the size of clothing that the consumer wishes to purchase, e.g.:


The general idea is to have a dropdown menu of some description.

Could somebody please give me some pointers as to how I go about setting this up?
Also is 1.2 worth upgrading to? As I've already built my site and store catalogue under an earlier version.

Thankyou! (:

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Go to Catalog > Attributes and Groups, add a "Size" attribute group, add attributes "XXS", "XS", "S", "M", "L", "XL" and "XXL" to the group. On the product editor, go to the "3. Combinations" tab, click on the Product Combinations Generator at the bottom, then click on each of the attributes you added and click Add. Set the price differences of each attribute if necessary, then click Generate, then Back to Product. You can then edit the generated attributes to change the default, give each its own reference number, etc.

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