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[solved]Cant find my products in google search

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I have registred in Attracta SEO

There was 2 free steps which I made :

1.Get in Google (creating and sumbmiting site map)

2.Google blacklist check !

They gave 50 points for site score ( i dodnt know what does it mean :D )


Second what i done i registred in google analytics

They gave me some kind of id UA-434.....737-1


Then I instaled google analitics module in my back office and entered there that ID


Thats all i have done !

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What does it means?


URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod.

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An add on on the server side. It cannot be checked if it's available or not (But I believe nowadays normally it's there).


You can either check with your host, or just try to turn on friendly URL and go to a product in your shop. If the URL shows a friendly name, it's working :-)

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