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price-drop duplicated products zero as price

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Hi all,


I'm on

On my price-drop page only one product shows it's correct price. The others are all on 0,00 €. On the product detail and product list page all is good.


My best guess is duplicating products. I only created one product, added a discount (special price) and duplicated it.

The original product shows it's price correct.


I've deleted the special price and added it again but no result.


Hope to hear from you,


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Have you checked the porice and reduced price for the duplicates? Usually, when you duplicate a product the new one has 0 as price. Also, I would suggest an upgrade as that version was like a beta

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No luck. But I noticed that the product with a combination is not showing the correct price. Without is showing correct.

So when I duplicate a product that has a combination it shows 0.00 euro on the price-drop page and a duplicate without a combination shows it price as it should.

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Weird, maybe a bug? Maybe the system is not duplicating combinations, and their associations. WHat happens if you save those buggy products once more? Do those combinations have a correct price?

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