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Attribute Conditional

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I am looking for a way to add conditional attributes to my site.


An example is:

the first attribute is "select lens type" (type A and type B)


If the user select type A a list of options become visible.

If the user select type B a DIFFERENt list shows.


Then based on a new list a different list is shown based on selection.


I hope you get the idea.


Is there anyone who know how to do this or is there any modules or plug in that does that?


If perstashop canot do that, do you know any other shopping carts that can do that?


Thank you


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I see. :)

3 questions. What is AWP? who is Tomer? and how do I contact him? :D




I remember reading a while back that Tomer was considering adding it to AWP but not sure if he ever got round to it. Drop him am email, definitely the best person to ask.

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