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[solved] Images/icons not showing bo and fo- prestashop 1.5

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I'm having major issues with images and icons on live server. I started on localhost with 1.5.2, it was all fine until I decided it was time to put it live, then none of the images were showing, products weren't but also icons in the back office, even the little delete buttons, some random icons show but that's it (see attachment) I decided to install the newest version directly on the server and it does the same (the attachment is from the latest install). I use OVH, I don't know if it's something to do with them?


I would really appreciate some or suggestions on that one,I'm pulling my hair out!


Thanks in advance!




For anyone that might not know much like me but still managed to create their website with prestashop, just make sure that when uploading files, it's on auto and not on ASCII !! ...


Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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if you right click / page source / inspect element on place, where image shoud appear what you exactly got?


images from page source exists? (if you click on url )


what about console?

turn console on (chrome: f12 / fn+f12)


any 404 error appears in the console log?

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Hi Vekia,


Thank you for your quick answer, the url is right but I just get a blank image, white on black background.


In firebug console I get 'image corrupt or truncated', is this what you mean ?


I've also attached an image for the front office which shows prestashop default image in the slider going very weird


Edited by Mezza (see edit history)
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Yes! Also any image that I upload from the backoffice such as a product image will show which is a good sign, it's only the images that are uploaded on the ftp so any icons that I've created for the front office do not show and as you've seem most of the icon from the backoffice. I really can't figure why some show and others don't. It's a mystery!! Thank you for your help anyway, if you can think of anything I should look into let me know!

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I finally managed to fix it, for some reason when uploading onto the ftp, fliezilla corrupted the images so I tried uploading using the ovh ftp web program which made it work! Still don't know why filezilla did that but at least it now works!

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I finally managed to fix it, for some reason when uploading onto the ftp, fliezilla corrupted the images so I tried uploading using the ovh ftp web program which made it work! Still don't know why filezilla did that but at least it now works!


great news! thanks for share the information, so the problem was with filezilla which corrupt files while upload.

thanks, now i can mark this thread as solved



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