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Category listing - duplicate meta_title

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How to change meta title of category by different page?


On every list-page of category is same meta title. I want to rewrite it for exapmle with (2) (3) ... etc.


It show help from title duplicity.

I do not understand, why is not this solution default on Prestashop.

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Hi jgerza,

Just to make sure I understand your question, do you mean when you browse your products list of a specific category (i.e the 'product list' pages after clicking on a category name in the left block) and you go to page 2,3,4, you want the page number included in the title. Is that correct?

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Hmm, you can change the title dynamically, depending on the page, but I'm not sure if this is SEO friendly. That said:

in themes/<your theme folder>/pagination.tpl, at the very end, add:


<script type="text/javascript">
if(document.title.indexOf(" - page ") == -1) {
 document.title = document.title + " - page " + {$p};



N.B. The if statement was needed to don't get "- page 1 - page 1" (i.e. 2 times the page number). Somehow this pagination file is called twice, therefore a check if it is added already


Hope this does what you want, but as said, do some research if this is SEO friendly...


my 2 cents,


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