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[solved] Change block background with picture

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I want to change the background of all the blocks example Category block etc i want same background on them all.


I tested this in my global CSS file for the standard theme that i use.


/* BLOCK .block ******************************************************************************** */

.block {margin-bottom:20px}

#footer .block {margin-bottom:0}

.block .title_block, .block h4 {

padding:6px 11px;



text-shadow:0 1px 0 #000;




background-image:url ('../img/woodmenu.jpg');

font-weight: bold;



.block .title_block a, .block h4 a {color:#fff}

.block ul {list-style-type:none}

.block li.last { border:none}

.block li a {






I just cant get it to work. And yes i have cleared my catch memory on tried different browsers.

And the picture is uploaded.


link to my store:


When i inspect the element with firebug i dont even get it to show up there for some odd reason. But when i change font size it does change. Is there some another CSS file i should be looking in also?


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When i inspect the element with firebug i dont even get it to show up there for some odd reason. But when i change font size it does change. Is there some another CSS file i should be looking in also?


try to use

background: url('../img/woodmenu.jpg');


instead the

background-image:url ('../img/woodmenu.jpg');

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