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Changing Base URL adds /en/ at the end, redirect fails to work

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Hi there,


Main issue:

I'm changing the Base URL in to a product page (it's a 1 page shop). However, the shop adds the primairy language code at the end, so the link ends up being: product.html/en/, which stops the link from working.


I've done the same on another shop which runs on 1.4-something, and it seems to work just fine.


Any solutions?



Second (smaller) issue: when I edit the "route to products" to {id}{rewrite}.html rather than what it was before, it still shows links as: www.shop.com/category/1product.html. How do I remove the catagory from the ShortURL?


Thanks in advance!



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To the first question if you have the language module installed and have more then one language you will get the en at the end of the url.

The second item when changing the rewrite for products to remove the category are you clicking save before checking the shop I just tested and worked fine, I removed the product route like this {id}-{rewrite}{-:ean13}.html and the category was removed from the url.

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tdr170: thanks for your reply!


What exactly do you mean by "language module"? I can find "Language block" under modules, but its not installed so I doubt that has any influence.


On the second issue, it seems to work partially. When I enter http://www.website.com/en/1-product.html it works, but it redirects to http://www.website.com/en/category/1-product.html.


The second issue isnt that much of a problem compared to the first one. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.


Thanks in advance!

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I seem to have made a mistake thinking I wanted to change the base URL.


It is in fact about the field "Homepage file", but this is an option that was deleted after 1.4 (under SEO & URLs) it seems. It used to say: "Usually "index.php," but may be different for a few hosts."


Any ideas how to get this option back, or a work-around?


Many kudos to whomever has a solution!

Edited by CrossY (see edit history)
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