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***Solved*** 2 Shipping options..only want one free shipping ***Solved***

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Hello All,


Is it possible to create two shipping profiles, for example, one 3-7day and one next day, but only have one as free shipping when the customer spends over £x amount


So for example, £2.99 for standard delivery but free if you spend £45 or more....... and next day delivery to be £5.99 all the time but not free if you spend £45 or more



I have set up zones, see attached images - so the "free shipping" should appear at £45 but for some reason, it is showing up when items in the cart are less than £45






in shipping, carriers, editor - i didnt put the option "out of range behaviour" as disable carrier


hope this helps someone in the future :)





Edited by precisebusinessadvice (see edit history)
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