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[SOLVED] editing order-confirmation text on checkout page

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on preststa shop 1.5x where is the file so i can edit this page.

i tried order-confirmation.tpl in my theme directory but i don't see what i am looking for.




Your order on Company name is complete.


You have chosen the Credit Card method.


Your order will be sent very soon.


For any questions or for further information, please contact our customer support.

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This text can most probably be translated in backoffice:

Go to localization->Translations

select "Installed Modules translations", select your theme (standard 'default') and choose the language you want to translate into. If you want just some "alternative English wording", click the USA flag.


You have probably installed a Credit Card managing module.

So now search for some text you want to translate: (Search with Ctrl-F on Windows, Command-F on Mac) like:

"You have chosen the"

See if the surrounding texts looks like the text you are looking for (maybe you see the searched for text a few times, as other payment modules may use similar text, like "You have chosen the PayPal method" etc.) so look carefully if it's the desired text.

If found, just add the desired alternative wording in the fields to the right.


Hope this helps,



(If you still can't find it, please let me know what payment module you use.)

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Well i was wanting to change it up enought that required editing the file. Or maybe there is a way to have it go to a cms page.


But i need to add some html and do things a tad differnt. First thank people for there order. Then next tell them we will shipt it out asap and then email them a tracking. Its mind boggling how many people order and then 2 mins latter tell me to send them a tracking number..


order-confirmation.tpl i didn't see any of this stuff on it.

Edited by devilsown (see edit history)
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I don't know what payment module you use, so I take cash on delivery as an example:

open the file: /modules/cashondelivery/views/templates/hook/confirmation.tpl

There you see text like this:

<p>{l s='Your order on' mod='cashondelivery'} <span class="bold">{$shop_name}</span> {l s='is complete.' mod='cashondelivery'}
<br /><br />
{l s='You have chosen the cash on delivery method.' mod='cashondelivery'}
<br /><br /><span class="bold">{l s='Your order will be sent very soon.' mod='cashondelivery'}</span>
<br /><br />{l s='For any questions or for further information, please contact our' mod='cashondelivery'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact-form', true)}">{l s='customer support' mod='cashondelivery'}</a>.


Here you can just add your own sentences


I assume your module has a similar piece of code, so try to locate it in the modules/yourmodule/ (sub)folder (probably .tpl file) and try to add some text and see what it does on your front office.


Hope this helps,


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Thanks, I got it all looking pretty now. i did not relize that this was all in the modual folder.


Its just worded so poorly from prestashop i had to get in and change it. You always tell people thankyou after taken an order.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 5/3/2013 at 3:58 PM, devilsown said:

Thanks, I got it all looking pretty now. i did not relize that this was all in the modual folder.


Its just worded so poorly from prestashop i had to get in and change it. You always tell people thankyou after taken an order.


Hi there, I would really appreciate if you please show me an example of your nice confirmation page: order-confirmation.tpl?

I don't know how to do that including some html. Your right about presta not being very helpful in this.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 5/3/2013 at 8:06 PM, PascalVG said:

Glad I could help :-)

Good luck with your shop!


I'll mark the post as solved.


I upgraded my shop from PS 1.4 to PS 1.5 everything seems ok except checkout page Message can nto be received, neither receive it in email using mail alert module nor in PS back office


Translations Guidlines worked like charm (y) 

Thumbas up

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  • 1 year later...
  On 5/2/2013 at 5:39 PM, PascalVG said:

I don't know what payment module you use, so I take cash on delivery as an example:

open the file: /modules/cashondelivery/views/templates/hook/confirmation.tpl

There you see text like this:

<p>{l s='Your order on' mod='cashondelivery'} <span class="bold">{$shop_name}</span> {l s='is complete.' mod='cashondelivery'}
<br /><br />
{l s='You have chosen the cash on delivery method.' mod='cashondelivery'}
<br /><br /><span class="bold">{l s='Your order will be sent very soon.' mod='cashondelivery'}</span>
<br /><br />{l s='For any questions or for further information, please contact our' mod='cashondelivery'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact-form', true)}">{l s='customer support' mod='cashondelivery'}</a>.
Here you can just add your own sentences


I assume your module has a similar piece of code, so try to locate it in the modules/yourmodule/ (sub)folder (probably .tpl file) and try to add some text and see what it does on your front office.


Hope this helps,




Just what I was looking for. Thank you

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  • 1 year later...



I checked out the same file under PS 1.6, as for the cash on delivery module, I have everything in French as it should be, just one sentence stays in English : Your order on XXX is now complete.

Where could I change this to a sentence in French ? I looked unter translation, but there is nothing. I change it in the file directly, but it didn't make any difference....


Thanks :)



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  • 4 months later...

Hi Joel


I had a similar issue with the PRS020046 theme. All translations where just fine but I had the confirmation still in English. After diging in a bit deeper I found the the issue was due to a wrong module reference:



OLD: <p class="alert alert-success">{l s='Your order on %s is complete.' sprintf=$shop_name mod='cheque'}</p>
NEW: <p class="alert alert-success">{l s='Your order on %s is complete.' sprintf=$shop_name mod='bankwire'}</p>


As you can see, the tpl-file for the bankwire module was referencing to the cheque module which was not installed and therefore not translated.

Maybe you face the same (or a similar) issue but with a different module / template.


Hope that helps.





PS: I have sent this to TemplateMela to get this hopefully fixed in a future version.

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  • 4 years later...

I have similar problem, translation is fine and i check the where this variable is defined and i go to file SHOP/module/ps_wirepayment/views/templates/hook/payment_return.tpl and in the line 22

{l s='Your order on %s is complete.' sprintf=[$shop_name] d='Modules.Wirepayment.Shop'}<br/>

i change $shop_name to this $shop.name and it's working

Edited by sieczken (see edit history)
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