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Using Paypal wouldn't work so removed it, now Modules BO won't load

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Hi. I'm in desperate need of help please? I upgraded from 1.4.9 to this afternoon. Paypal 3.5 wasn't compatible, so I deleted if from my modules using ftp, then tried uploading 2.8.7 as a zip file. Didn't work - I'm now getting a 500 error when I try to go to Modules in my BO. Everything else is accessible in the BO.


I'm able to go back a few pages and open modules, but if I try to open modules from the top bar, or if I try to open any of the categories within modules, I'm getting:


Server error


The website encountered an error while retrieving http://www.decadent-...80360134b980088. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Edited by Herbalife (see edit history)
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Hi again...I'm so sorry to this, but I've just put the site live and taken it out of development mode, and I'm getting the following in he category pages:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/home/sites/decadent-vapours.com/public_html/themes/theme417/category.tpl" on line 61 "{/if}" unclosed {if} tag' in /home/sites/decadent-vapours.com/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php:665 Stack trace: #0 /home/sites/decadent-vapours.com/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php(118): Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error('unclosed {if} t...') #1 /home/sites/decadent-vapours.com/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php(200): Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler->doCompile('{include file="...') #2 /home/sites/decadent-vapours.com/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(187): Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->compileTemplate(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #3 /home/sites/decadent-vapours.com/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_intern in /home/sites/decadent-vapours.com/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 665



Before the Paypal isue, there was no content on my Category pages...just header, and clocks, but now I have this content!


Your help really would be appreciated, thank you.

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Hi Benjamin...that's quite a memory! Yeah I upgraded from 1.4.9 and have no idea if the template I purchased from Template Monster is compatible.


Any chance you could help with the blank Category pages please? They disappeared last night while I was fiddling, and i have no idea what I changed :( I was frantically rushing trying to get the site back up and didn't take notes...I'm taking notes now...and back-ups!!

Edited by Herbalife (see edit history)
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Whoop whoop...was comparing files using the ftp and uploaded my back-up category.tpl file and it's now all working again :)


So, I have one last issue to sort out....Paypal 3.5 has been turned off after is "was not upgraded successfully". I don't want to end up in the same state as earlier, so I'd really appreciate your guidance on what to do next please? Then I'm off your case until the next upgrade! Lol

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