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My Order confirm email can not show customer name {surname} {name}

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When I go to localization->translations and revise email templates ,It can't work and have error message. How can I do?


Help me please!


"Cannot write language file for email subjects. Path is: C:\AppServ\www\ytshop/themes/default/mails/tw/lang.php"

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Weird, it seems a local installation, there shouldn't be permission issues. However, as far as I know the path should not be to the theme folder, but to the main email folder. Be sure you select the default theme when in the emails page

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I don't quite have the same problem but I would like to add the customer's phone number and email address to the order complete/success template. I'm still building my store, so it is not live as yet but I know that this is an option I had with another vendor.


So could someone please let me know what variables to use such as {phone_number} or {customer_email} or even if there is a list of variables available to me, so that I can reference them for future use.

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