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[solved] after upgrading prestashop

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  • 2 weeks later...



i checked your website and it works well:





so the problem is solved? can you provide more informations about your OS / webbrowser? maybe it is a cache issue related to your browser... just thinking

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Can you help me with another problem?

when i acces a porduct from google the link has the extension ?controller=404


for example: http://e-partedecarte.ro/larousse/8539-specii-pe-cale-de-disparitie.html?controller=404

If i erase the extensionthe link takes me to my product,but if i don't it takes me to another page that says 404.you can access the link yourself to see.

I dont know how to fix this and every product found on google has this extesion.

Thank you for your help

Edited by Parte de Carte (see edit history)
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