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[PLEASE HELP] Completed orders do not show up on orders list

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Good Morning,

recently I have been hit by an issue which I never encontered before:


When a consumer successfully completes an order, it shows as completed on the carts list (so the relevant cart shows the order number) but the same order is not shown in the orders list.

If I force the opening of that order editing another order url and inputting the missing order number in the url, the missing order is actually shown and if I then change the order status to a different status, the order is then shown in the orders list.

My conclusion is that I could have some of my order statuses broken, and I am wondering if anyone in the forum has encontered the same issue before or if anyone can figure out a solution for that issue.


Prestashop version

store: www.dolceculla.it/it/


Thank you

Edited by joh75 (see edit history)
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