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Control What Items Available For Free Shipping

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If Free Shipping is available at a certain sales level (i.e. Free Shipping with a $500 order), in the back office... is there a way to control what products are included?


I would like to offer some items at great discount but NOT be included in the sales order total needed for free shipping. Seems like it would be easy to implement,


Any suggestions? Thanks!

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You should be able to setup "products" conditions in the cart rule, if the products you have a big discount on are in a same category. Otherwise, I believe you'll need to add them manually one at one (which doesn't seem a good idea to me :D)

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Thank you Nemo for all of the help you provide.


I did have a Category I wanted to exclude from Free Shipping calculation, as well as, a couple individual products, I looked at both cart and catalog price rules. Doesn't look like they will work. Perhaps I am missing something?


Catalog Price Rules: certainly does apply to a category (or I could probably come up with a feature that also works) - but only allows discounts to price/shipping. I see nothing to indicate an option such as "Exclude from free shipping" or "Not Available for Free Shipping".


Cart Rules: the Actions tab seem to come close, but again, only can offer free shipping/discounts, not exclude it. I imagine a negative discount (i.e. which would increase the price) might work to offset the free shipping. Except, that will have other impacts (taxes, etc.).


Any other ideas?

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Thanks Nemo. Again...helpful!


So, it sounds like perhaps rather than have a blanket "Free Shipping at $xxx" a workaround is to:


1. Create a new category (e.g. "Special")

2. Associate the items that DO qualify in that category

3. Create a Catalog Rule that provides "Free Shipping" if $xxx worth of items from Special category are added to cart.


That sounds like it should work! Will PS include the shipping on the excluded items?

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Hi There,

I *believe* (I haven't tested the possibility) they will be charged. Not sure thought. If you have a flat rate, a workaround would be to add the shipping amount as fixed discount, but I know it rarely happens :D

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BTW - I set up the categories and associations as above. I also created the cart rule.


Here are the results:


1. Looks like a voucher is created and when added provides ... free shipping. "Non-free shipping" items are also shipped free.

2. Once the preset level is achieved, customer can add the voucher. Once PS puts the voucher in the cart, it seems to stay in. - even if the total level drops below required level. [Note: I stopped at the Payment screen].


So (1) is better but not perfect. But, (2) is bad... people could easily get free shipping just by manipulating the cart.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Nemo


I am in the situation that I shop in my home country for a fix price. Let's say 3€. If cart is >39€ then shipping is free.


No problem at all, allthesame with shipping to other countries in EU. My carrier charges more to EU and this charge is

dependend on weight!


This means if a customer from the EU and not my homecountry oders something that weighs alot we have to pay high shipping prices to our carrier IF the order is also > 39 €.


This is the case since Prestashop does not?!! offer this variable ($freeshipping^^) for different zones.



My idea is now to alter Prestas background calculation in the cart.

If $customer not from $zone-mycountry then ignore $free_shipping

Ehm, please do not laugh but I do not know how to manage it else and more than that I searched the forum and called different Presta agencies and all said there do not know how to do it :(


If that trick above is possible I would be more than happy if you could help or some one else. I 'd really like to donor to your paypal acc too :)

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  • 2 months later...

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