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Missing email template txt files

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I recently bought a email template pack and uploaded the template files to the server but it came with no txt files.


I changed the "Send e-mail as HTML" under Advanced Parameters > E-Mail but when I submit a support ticket to test it out I get the following:


Error - The following e-mail template is missing: /home/cards/public_html/mails/gb/reply_msg.txt


What's the actual point of the txt files? Is it just incase if you want the emails to send as text rather than HTML? If so how comes if I just select "Send e-mail as HTML" it still asks for the txt file(s)?


It's all rather confusing and is taking far longer to get my store up and running. I just thought it was just a simple upload for the email templates and it works but apparently not, havn't seen anyone else have this trouble before who've bought the same email templates. Guess if theres going to be one, that one would be me :wacko:


And since i've had this error, any test orders or anything that sends an email, I don't received anything.


Any help is appreciated.




Kind Regards,


Edited by Alpha55 (see edit history)
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I've done that and no longer get the error message but when I go into the E-mail translation area inside the back-office and when I visit the actual template direct it looks fine, the way it's meant to be but when I get the email from a test customer account I get a pretty much white email inside a boarder.


I've got the e-mail settings to send as HTML so I don't get why it shows fine in the back-office but in the email it's pretty plain.



Kind Regards,



Edited by Alpha55 (see edit history)
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That's the email client for sure. Try seeing it in a browser ( the email you get)


If those fancy borders and shadows are more than plain images, you can forget about them as no client supports css3 properties, div styling, floats and background images :/ That's sad, I really hope they will support some styling in the near future

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I tried using gmail and opera mail and even tho it looks better it's not how it's suppose to look, it's the Arundo email template from promokit.eu. Others have used it and found no one saying it hasn't worked so I don't know :wacko:

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Anyhow Arundo templates are without .txt files, you need to create it. Only empty txt file with same name as .html

In mail/en or your language localization you should upload also img folder with template pattern.

If somebody recieve this email, he should click ENABLE THIS CONTENT AND TRUST TO SENDER, in that time full html will be downloaded and mail is visually ok. Its question of mail clients, is not problem of arundo.

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