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[Solved]How to set 3 email addresses to the shop contact info?

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But if i enter there the emails, it doesn't appear in the contact info of the shop. My ideea was that the client to send email, based on his needs to : office@... , orders@... , complainings@....


I found a solution, but I don't think is very elegant...:) :


In the themes/my_theme/modules/blockcontactinfos/blockcontactinfos.tpl, I introduced the lines:


<li>Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></li>


<li>Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></li>


Just after:

{if $blockcontactinfos_email != ''}<li>{l s='Email: ' mod='blockcontactinfos'} {mailto address=$blockcontactinfos_email|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8' encode="hex"}</li>{/if}


I hope it will work...

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Sorry, it seems I have mis-understood you, and I still might not be correct but, if all you are looking for is to have different contact names that the customer can choose to contact your various departments such as:







etc, then go to:


Back Office > Employees > Add new


Sorry if I have still not understood your question



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No, you did understood my question. It is what i want: different email contact for the customers to choose.


I have employees added there, but their emails doesn't appear on the shop contacts ( from the footer, for example). And I couldn't find how to add them to the shop contact.


Thank you.

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Not sure If this is correct answer for you but I take it when the customer sends an email you want three people to recieve it.

I did this by creating a email with my host [email protected] I then added all three of our email addresses as forwards.

This is the only email I use on on our website, its in the contact info as well as the address the contact form sends to.

In this way when someone sends an email from the contact form or from their own email all three of us receive that mail.

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