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Stores phone numbers

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Me again... I guess New Users do the most posting...


I updated all my store locations (60 in total) and they all showed up nicely, but when I did a search for closest stores, something odd occurred.


The store name, with the store address underneath with the phone umber underneath... with the phone number underneath again!


1 ABC Bank Tower 666 Wellington Street West

Toronto, ON M5K 1A1

(416) 123-4567


Phone: (416) 123-4567 0 km

Hmmm.... only one field for the phone number... but two listings... perhaps a presta-mistake?


If anyone sees the same things, I will send to presta-people for next update.


PS> no, the bank address is not 666... but it is a bank, so I figured 666 was appropriate...lol (or not)

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