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SOLVED Help I lost the product thumbail

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This is my shop, I do not why I do not have a small picture for the product descrition. I have reloaded original files would not make a difference, I have uploaded a new picture does not make a difference instead I have that red cross not very professional!!

I do not know where to look for it will try with firebug as it did help me by the past but if somebdy could help me...When I first install prestashop it did work then I custumized the site and it did not even if I did replace with original files??? I am a bit lost...I have nearly finished appart from few things where I was a bit lost with the help and support of the team I am nearly there!!!

Thanks a lot for your help
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HP Screen + 5cm

This is what should if I want the product image...When I change the code using firebug it does work!!!

The issue is that instead I have HP Screen + 5cm
And that picture does not existe in the folder...My question is why the programm is generating that path/link is that something maybe to do when I did fdeleted all the pictures settings and then click on reset?

Thanks to let me know what I should do for Prestashop to write the correct line when I add a product!!

Thanks again a million time
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Ok I have solved it... it is in product list. tpl...

So I guess just change it to what it should be...

s="ajax_block_product {if $smarty.foreach.products.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.products.last}last_item{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.products.index % 2}alternate_item{else}item{/if}">

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