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Bug in moving product to new catergories. Major product crash

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I have a shop www.ani-event.dk with spare-parts for kids cars. This shop is only 10 days old with a limitid numbers of products.


I have a categories with two certain brand spaceports - "Peg Perego" and "Feber".

Under the Feber category I made a new category for batteries only, and moved batteries from the main cat to the sub cat (battery)






At the same time I clicked them off in their original category. Now the products can be seen, and put in basket, but if you click on it to see more, an error says: "product not found"



just click on the first battery!


Then click on the 12 volt chargers 5 rows down. You are then sent to a complete different product !! A giraffe, which has never been involved in this cattery / product line,


All the products lies in two categories, Feber and Peg Perego.

This gave no problem before I added the new sub catego and clicked the products in here.


Now the products are also "errored" in the first categories:





I have two brands, "Peg Perego" and "Feber" with the same kind of products.

First I made the categories for "Peg Perego"

When making a similar category-tree on products for Feber strange things happened.

When clicking on the category for batteries for Feber,


I was sent to batteries for Peg Perego.



The "cat-tree" are correct .. I´ve double-checked. But ... as soon as I renamed the second matching category under Feber, the problem disappeared... but... two different ID / Category should not interrupt even they have the same name. (And still the products has errors).

Mowing products form a main cat to a new sub cat is a normal procedure, and should not give problems

I attach screendump aff category tree


Can any one give a clud.. I think this is a ... bug.


Edited by Kim Maarup (see edit history)
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