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BUG! Voucher values larger than order lose the shipping!

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I've just discovered a bug with the voucher system (maybe this has been noticed by others but I couldn't find anything) - where the total voucher value is more than the value of the goods, you end up with a 0.00 value for the goods which the system seems to take as nothing to ship and, essentially, just drops the shipping cost on the floor. It's not taken into account as part of the total value (because vouchers are set to EXCLUDE shipping) but instead of still charging for the shipping, the system just quietly drops it never to be seen again.


Also, on the invoice, it does not show all the totals and voucher deductions - it just shows the total as 0.00 with the shipping cost still showing as 16.20 but the overall total as 0.00 instead of 16.20


If the shipping was included in the deduction, it should have also been deducted from the vouchers value.



God. It seems like it's just a never-ending process of chasing bugs with this system!


EDIT: Forgot to mention - v.1.5.2

Edited by Porpoise (see edit history)
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