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Login forcing secure login after SSL revoked

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Our domain name expired and is unrecoverable (WestForkArmory.com). We have registered a new domain name, westforkarmory.net. The SSL cert for the old domain name had to be revoked before the new domain name could be assigned to the hosting account.


The new domain name is now pointed to the hosting account and the temporary home page of default.html shows at www.WestForkArmory.net. However, when you browse to /admin123 we get a message that says, "SSL is activated. Please connect using the following url to log in in secure mode (https). https://westforkarmory.net/admin123/login.php" When you go to that URL you get an "SSL Connect Error". There is now no SSL activated.


What do we need to change or how work around this so we can get into admin with http vs https?



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Read some more posts and took a chance that the SSL setting in the mysql database configuration file was the problem. Searched the records and found one whose title said "...SSL..." and changed the 1 to a 0. That did the trick. Thanks, dh42, for causing me to look further.

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