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[SOLVED] Zoom on product images not working

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I have a strange problem I've been trying to fix since last week. The zoom on the product images doesn't work, well it kind of works as you can move the image as it was in a big white frame, but without zooming, it just keeps the same original size.


I have set in the admin panel to use Jquery, and I also think there is kind of JqZoom, but is like it is not being used at all. I've tryed to modify the js files, template ones and everywhere I saw a piece of zooming code, put nothing ever happens (and I force the compilation).


Does anyone know what should I do?



Edited by omar2886 (see edit history)
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Oook, so this is due to the Thickbox plugin as I can see in the route of the image you sent me. But the thing is that in the backend I have changed that option from the very beginning, to use Jquery instead of Thickbox.


This thickbox, as I understand, is creating a new larger image for each new product, but this new image being created it is not expanding the images but putting them in a bigger white frame. But don't know where to solve this...

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