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SEO Webmaster Tools Domain URL malformed

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Anybody with problems in Webmaster Tools related to duplicate content bacause Google is indexing maolformed domains URLs?


This is, WMT is indexing the correct product URL http://mydomain.com/product.html and a second URL like http://mydomain.com/www.mydomain.com/product.html


This provokes duplicate entries in nearly all pages.


Is something related to hfef pointing to places and in which is left the http:// but, I have cheked all my code and is OK.


Any ideas?

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I have the option "Always redirect to canonical URL" disabled as I hva running an additional teo SEO modules, "Canonical SEO" & "Duplicate URL Redirect" and the developers said me to set the Prestashop default canonical redirection off.


If you use http://web-sniffer.net/ to check the response headers, I can see see a header named "link" that has the canonical url, so I guess canonical URLs are working.


This is happening to me nearly in all pages from the site with no exception and I am not finding the href wothout the http:// in front which, I thing is provoking the problem.


Please find attached an example in live of what is happening in one of all those pages of my site.


As I explained before, for one unique correct URL like http://www.marlosonline.es/1134-sandalias-stars-coolway.html


Google WMT is indexing a second malformed one like:




Which, obviously, have the same Meta Tags.


If you try to navigate to the malformed, the shop is doing a correct 301 redirection to the correct URL.


If you can check if the canonical URL is OK for this page, or any other page from my site, I will appreciate it and, and if you can check if there is any href without http, which I cannot see, that will be perfect. I am using Prestashop


Thanks for all your help again.

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Meta Tags went down from 1800 to 20 today but, I think is too early to say nothing as WMT is going to crawl again and I want to check that the issue is not repeating.


What I did is to set all the href to absolute paths and disable "Canonical SEO" as I think that was pushing rel=canonical without http:// in front.


Please tell me too any advances you find.

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