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[solved] Help! Connected to the wrong domain - Store broken!

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I had the following warning. So, I made the bad mistake of changing it. Now my store is broken!!


The warning i had was:


You are currently connected with the following domain name: www.jlbelectronics.com

This is different from the main shop domain name set in "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu: jlbelectronics.com


Click here if you want to modify the main shop domain name


So I clicked and added the www to the main shop doamin.


How can I change this back, the site is still their but all the images are gone and I get a 404 error on when clicking on any product.


Any help would be much appreciated.


Thank you


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you've got two ways to fix it:

  1. Try to regenerate htaccess in your store - and if this doesnt work then:
  2. go to the database manager like phpmyadmin, look for the ps_shop_url table

you've got there:




change params of domain and domain_ssl


after that - regenerate htaccess.


second way works only in prestashop 1.5.x

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