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Empty shopping cart?

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on http://www.monpouf.be it's not possible to order things. Just ty it pls zo you know what i mean.
I don't remember changing anything what can caused this problem.
When adding something to the cart, it shows the "slider thing", but my cart stays empty.
How can i solve this problem?
Anyone who can help me pls?

Thx in advance for your quick response!

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Agreed - I'm having the same issue with my test site.

I am using Version - 0.184s

I add an item to the cart, I see the item "move" to the cart and in the cart box it doesn't update / refresh with the product or quantity. Oddly enough it does show in the header bar. This shows the cart has, for example, one item with zero dollar amount even though the item should be something like $79

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this problem too, version Fortunately it's not that urgent as the site isn't operational at the moment.

I add an item to the cart. The cart panel stays saying "No products. Total £0"

However the status bar reads "1 product £0"

When going to the "cart" page, the cart is shown as empty.

The same problem occurs whether logged in or not.

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  • 5 months later...

I am getting this same error/problem on a brand new install. I've dropped the database several times now and re-ran the installer with the same results each time. Granted, I am trying the 1.30.1 alpha, but shouldn't such a basic function work? After all, what good is a shopping site where nobody can buy anything? :)

UPDATE: A fresh install of works, so some bug in must exist...

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  • 1 month later...

In my case it was the UPS / USPS modules I had installed. I never gave them a thought, but it was the cart.php file that is messed up, not the right version, or something to that effect, it's a bit fuzzy now, but at least this may help you if you had those modules installed.

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  • 1 year later...

i faced same problem because i clean the ps_cart table and ps_cart_product table but i didn't clean the ps_order

so when i add new cart that id_cart exist in ps_order so prestashop automatically clean my cart in frontend

you have two ways

1. clean all three table ps_cart and ps_cart_product and ps_order

but if you don't want loss your order you should do this work

2.at first check in ps_order and what is the bigest id_cart in this table then insert a record in ps_cart table with more id_cart than bigest id_cart in ps_order

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