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CSV product import with multiple sub categories

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I want to upload a csv file of about 25,000 products that all have their relative categories.


the question is: some of the sub categories under different categories have the same name.


can you specifiy what main category and then sub category the product is to go into?




product ID: category1: category2: category3:


1: Siemens: S300's: drives

2: Hitachi software: drives


hope this makes sense


Thanks for your help

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I read something about it and you cant name 2 categories with the same name if you want to upload it via csv

If you name 2 the same presta will choose only the first one and will mess up all your products, is better if you name the categories like "drive siemens" and then "drive hitachi" and then when everything is uploaded you change the category names if you prefer the others.

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