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Urgent Help ! How to compress or reduce data usage?

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So webhostinghub shut my website down this morning , they said i used up 200% of their cpu comsumption . I don't know if this has to do with my setting,. I was told to optimiuze the cache or compress data comsumption??


Please see my screen shot on my performance setting in back office & screen shot from webhostinghub.



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I have about 200 products


I only use some product combinations maybe 30 product & I don't use any attributes


I use voucher generator , shopping cart.


There are 1k visitors in past 3 days , 9k clicks .


Is there a way to optimize the cache? My website designer put " YES" on Force Complie and he said set it " NO" will reduce the data consumption?

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thanks, you've got force compilation turned on all the time? Turn it off, it is necessary and this option affects on load time (and on CPU too). Turn it on only if you want to change something in your shop (template .tpl files).


"memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load."



There is 1 warning Hide warning


This mean that your webhosting havent got memcached, so in this case it is better to turn it off. Go to preferences -> performance. Scroll page down, and you've got there something like:




turn it off or from select list select the "File system" option


The worst thing is that you have to wait a few days for the results. After that Check CPU usage statistics.



if you've got an access to the error log - check this log file, maybe there you've got more informations about some php erros which may affect on load time / cpu usage

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