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Share customers for multi-shop greyed out

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Can anyone help me with the multi-shop options? I am trying to select the share customers to share so that I can also select the share quantity's and share orders.


But the share customers option is greyed out on the group options so cannot select it. Would anyone know why that is?



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Hi - can anyone clarify how exactly I can share customers in a new shop with an already existing shop within a group? Not too familiar with phpMyAdmin, definitely can't risk deleting the current customers. Any help would be appreciated!

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I solved my problem with Javiot suggestion! 

1) write down your existing shop id
2)  set id_shop to null in the  ps_customer and ps_orders   tables

3) now you can change your shop-group setting to share customers and orders

4) set the old shop_id value for the ps_customer and ps_orders table


  On 11/5/2014 at 11:23 AM, JaviOT said:

A better trick is cleaning id_shop column in customers table:


update ps_customer set id_shop=null


So you can share existing ones along a shop group, without deleting them. Also, after doing this update, the activation button will be enabled.

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  On 4/30/2015 at 9:34 PM, z72diego said:

Is it possible to export customers, then delete and then import to both stores to share with each other?

It works.

Export the customers or orders (works the same for both).

Empty the ps_customer or ps_order table

Go to Multistore settings and check the button share customers/orders

Import the customers or orders and it should work.


It is a real shame that Prestashop's way of dealing with multistore is so complicated and sometimes silly.

To prepare you for when you want to share the products and have stockmanagement: you will have to select the GROUP when you want to manage the stock. This is nowhere documented.

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