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stripe not working in prestashop

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How can I remove this nasty box next to "card number" on the stripe module?





here is the code:


<script type="text/javascript" src="{$module_dir}stripe-prestashop.js"></script>
<div class="payment_module"{if $stripe_ps_version < '1.5'}style="border: 1px solid #595A5E; padding: 0.6em; margin-left: 0.7em;"{/if}>
<h3 class="stripe_title"><img alt="" src="{$module_dir}img/secure-icon.png" />{l s='Pay by credit card with our secured payment server' mod='stripejs'}</h3>
{* This form will be displayed only if a previous credit card was saved *}
{if isset($stripe_save_tokens_ask) && $stripe_save_tokens_ask && isset($stripe_credit_card)}
<form action="{$module_dir}validation.php" method="POST" id="stripe-payment-form-cc">
 <p>{l s='Pay with my saved Credit card (ending in' mod='stripejs'} {$stripe_credit_card|escape:html:'UTF-8'}{l s=')' mod='stripejs'}
 <input type="hidden" name="stripe_save_token" value="1" />
 <input type="hidden" name="stripeToken" value="0" />
 <button type="submit" class="stripe-submit-button-cc">{l s='Submit Payment' mod='stripejs'}</button></p>
 <p><a id="stripe-replace-card">{l s='Replace this card with a new one' mod='stripejs'}</a> | <a id="stripe-delete-card" onclick="return confirm('{l s='Do you really want to delete this card?' mod='stripejs'}');">{l s='Delete this card' mod='stripejs'}</a></p>
{* Classic Credit card form *}
<div id="stripe-ajax-loader"><img src="{$module_dir}img/ajax-loader.gif" alt="" /> {l s='Transaction in progress, please wait.' mod='stripejs'}</div>
<form action="{$module_dir}validation.php" method="POST" id="stripe-payment-form"{if isset($stripe_save_tokens_ask) && $stripe_save_tokens_ask && isset($stripe_credit_card)} style="display: none;"{/if}>
 <div class="stripe-payment-errors">{if isset($smarty.get.stripe_error)}{$smarty.get.stripe_error|base64_decode|escape:html:'UTF-8'}{/if}</div><a name="stripe_error"></a>
 <div class="stripe-card-deleted"></div>
 <label>{l s='Card Number' mod='stripejs'}</label><br />
 <input type="text" size="20" autocomplete="off" class="stripe-card-number" />
 <br />
 <div class="block-left">
  <label>{l s='Card Type' mod='stripejs'}</label><br />
  <img class="cc-icon disable" rel="Visa" alt="" src="{$module_dir}img/cc-visa.png" />
  <img class="cc-icon disable" rel="MasterCard" alt="" src="{$module_dir}img/cc-mastercard.png" />
  <img class="cc-icon disable" rel="Discover" alt="" src="{$module_dir}img/cc-discover.png" />
  <img class="cc-icon disable" rel="American Express" alt="" src="{$module_dir}img/cc-amex.png" />
  <img class="cc-icon disable" rel="JCB" alt="" src="{$module_dir}img/cc-jcb.png" />
  <img class="cc-icon disable" rel="Diners Club" alt="" src="{$module_dir}img/cc-diners.png" />
 <div class="block-left">
  <label>{l s='CVC' mod='stripejs'}</label><br />
  <input type="text" size="4" autocomplete="off" class="stripe-card-cvc" />
  <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="stripe-card-cvc-info" style="border: none;">
   {l s='What\'s this?' mod='stripejs'}
   <div class="cvc-info">
   {l s='The CVC (Card Validation Code) is a 3 or 4 digit code on the reverse side of Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards and on the front of American Express cards.' mod='stripejs'}


Thank You

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Try to comment the div above the card number and refresh the page and see what happens. Here is the line

<div class="stripe-card-deleted"></div>


Remember to recompile smarty tempates to see the effect of the change,


Its probable that the class "stripe-card-deleted" has a style making it appear as it does above.


Hope that helps.

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