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description of product lost in translation

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Hi all.

In my non productive prestashop I place a product that has greek language, thus greek short and long description. When I see my demo prestastore when I change a language from a Greek to english the description in Greek is gone. What should I do when I change a language to have an english description for example for my product?


Second I installed the reward point system to see how modules work. The reward system appeared under my product perfectly but is in English. How do I configure that the description would be in Greek language?

Thanks in advance

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Hi all.

In my non productive prestashop I place a product that has greek language, thus greek short and long description. When I see my demo prestastore when I change a language from a Greek to english the description in Greek is gone. What should I do when I change a language to have an english description for example for my product?


Second I installed the reward point system to see how modules work. The reward system appeared under my product perfectly but is in English. How do I configure that the description would be in Greek language?

Thanks in advance


on product edition page in back office you've got language switcher near fields, where you insert descriptions, names etc.



have you filled all languages for each field?

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yes I have Greek as well as English. The thing is that if I place a product in Greek I cannot do both greek and english desrcription in the same product. When the language of my site is in greek the products should be in greek. But I would do the prestashop to do is when an end user - customer choose another language for the same product the description of the product should change in another language...how is this possible?


See the pictures





Edited by stratus66 (see edit history)
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