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Module language problems (blocknewsletter, blockcontact)

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I'm having some trouble with two modules languages.

I have installed 10 languages in my store, almost all work fine, just not blocknewsletter and blockcontact, german, spanish and french are not translated.


I checked both languages directories:




Both have the language files with the right translation, only front still showing english translations.

I already clear browser cache, clear prestashop cache but both don't help.


When i edit them in translations -> modules also the changes not appear at frontend.

I try remove the modules, reinstall modules, update languages packs, etc etc....

nothing works.


Can someone please help me?


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One reason strings or text could not be translated could be if the strings or text are not in such a form as this {l s='Newsletter' mod='blocknewsletter'} as opposed to maybe {'Newsletter'} another thing to confirm is that language pack is installed in the backend and upto date.

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One reason strings or text could not be translated could be if the strings or text are not in such a form as this {l s='Newsletter' mod='blocknewsletter'} as opposed to maybe {'Newsletter'} another thing to confirm is that language pack is installed in the backend and upto date.


Thank you for your reply, i didn't make any changes to the module or theme, just by default something caused this problem.

Someting else, very strange i see the prestashop 1.5 documentation the language file should be inside

/themes/modules/blocknewsletter/languages/ but the system automaticly make the file one folder up, does this make any effect on this problem?

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