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[solved] Where can i find the editable file for the first page?

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Hello, maybe my answer sound a little strange, but, in my way to change some things to prestashop ( 1.5.4), when i used the toggle tools from the web developer / firefox, it is showing me the first page,


I look for it, but i couldn't find it anywhere.


It is the one that start with:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">

<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7 lt-ie6 " lang="en"> <![endif]-->


<!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 ie7" lang="en"> <![endif]-->


<!--[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]-->


<!--[if gt IE 8]> <html lang="fr" class="no-js ie9" lang="en"> <![endif]-->

<html xml:lang="ro" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head></head><body id="index" class=" ">


I hope that it could bring me some usefull things reaching that area...


Thank you.

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Alain, Prestashop keeps all display pages in a theme folder. Most of the files you need to edit end in .tpl


Take a look at header.tpl. That would contain most of your page layout. Prestashop uses include files to fill and finish the page. You will notice in your theme folder that page names match up with what you would like to edit, for example category.tpl would be for your category view, and product-list.tpl would list the products in a category and product.tpl would be your product page.


Most of you page layout and colors will be found in your themes CSS folder in global.css. The javascripts are in your themes JS folder.


That said, you will find many files that you might need to edit in your Prestashop Module directory. Again the names give you a clue when you are looking for something.


From the back-office (called BO) you can change the position of some modules. For example you can move some sections (call "blocks") up or down and with some blocks you can move from the right column to the left. See BO > Modules > Positions.

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Well, i understood that, ( i did already a lot of changes, in a new saved theme), but i thoughat that , once firefox debug tool see a unique file for the first page, this page it does exists, and it will be easier to work on it, instead find and edit each block separatly.

This is the file firefox is showing:


<html xml:lang="ro" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<body id="index" class=" ">

<div id="fb-root" class=" fb_reset"></div>

<div style="width:30px; height:100px; display:block; position:fixed; right:0px; top:100px; background:none;"></div>

<script type="text/javascript"></script>

<div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix">

<!-- Header -->

<div id="header" class="grid_9 alpha omega"></div><div id="columns" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix"></div>

<!-- Footer -->

<div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">

<!-- MODULE Block footer -->

<div id="block_various_links_footer" class="block_various_links"><li 30px="" margin-left:=""></li></div>

<!-- /MODULE Block footer -->


<!-- MODULE Block reinsurance -->

<div id="reinsurance_block" class="clearfix"><ul class="width1"></ul></div>

<!-- /MODULE Block reinsurance -->


<div id="confi_block" class="block_confi">


<li><a href="http://www.decorativ-art.ro/index.php?id_cms=6&controller=cms&id_lang=2"></a></li></div>

<div id="tcu_block">

<li class="termeni"><a href="http://www.decorativ-art.ro/index.php?id_cms=3&controller=cms&id_lang=1"></a></li></div>

<p class="center clearBoth"><a href="http://www.decorativ-art.ro/index.php?mobile_theme_ok"></a></p>



div id="topcontrol" style="position: fixed; bottom: 25px; right: 25px; opacity: 1; cursor: pointer; z-index: 9999;" title="Scroll Back to Top"></div>




I found most of the files, but, for example i can't find from where i can change the "grid_9 alpha omega".



Thank you.

Edited by Alain Costea (see edit history)
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Seems to be what i need it.

Hope it will not be a problem that one of the firt things I've changed is the width, to 1080... :)


I understand, that the file firefox see, it can't be found ?


width 1080 may not work well in mobile devices ;)


can i mark this thread as solved? hope so ;)

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Yes, it is solved.

As conclusions:

- the file i was looking for, is, in fact many other files ( the .tpl ones, mostly)

- for changing the way the grid is i must study the 960 grid system

- although i can change the width to 1080, it is not adviseble...


Thank you.

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