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Help! I have been trying to figure out how to edit the account registration portion of my prestashop front office, so that the customers have the option to choose between the titles of Mr., Mrs., Ms. and Miss. I have edited it so that I have that option under Customers in the Back Office... but the Front Office registration form still only has the radio buttons for Mr. and Ms.


I have went into authentication.tpl and identity.tpl and edited the code there because I found those instructions on a forum. However, it did not change the form. Can anyone help me understand what I have done wrong?


Thanks in advance!

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Hi, I did it there and so now I have the option when I edit my customers (who are already registered) to make them a ms. mrs. mr. or miss. But still when I am at the Front Office and trying to register (just like a new customer would do), I only still have the option of ms. or mr. Do you understand my issue? How do I make it show up differently in the form they fill out when creating an account?

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Hi... I have turned on Force Compile and turned off cache... but still having the problem. I am thinking that the theme I installed was not meant for but rather the 1.4 products (before there was the option of adding more titles in the back office)... so what I thinki I am going to have to do it change the code in some of the files to add the buttons for Mrs. and Miss... but I desperately need help in knowing what file to do this in... and what to change it to. Does anyone have any idea?

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I installed the theme "Template Toys Prestashop Theme PRS010003" from the Prestashop AddOns page.




I have deleted all temporary internet files... tried internet explorer, chrome and safari and it never shows up right! I have look on the Mobile site and if I try to create an account from my mobile device it is showing all 4 options... just not showing up as an option on the account registration on the regular page.

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