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PayPal Payment Address Error United Kingdom

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Hey guys,


I've been searching and searching for days and trying all sorts of different solutions to the problem I'm having.


I'm using the PayPal Module 3.4.6 and PrestaShop 1.5.3.


When I try process a payment using the Test Mode with a UK delivery and billing address I get the following error - "Please return to the payment page and correct the address."


When I process a payment with a delivery and billing address outside the UK it works fine.


I've tried this solution which didn't work either - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/193179-paypal-not-working-in-prestashop-15/


Any help would be really appreciated as I have one live site and 2 more sites in development ready to launch soon all based in the UK.



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I finally managed to resolve the issue.


If anyone else is experiencing a similar issue whilst using PayPal Web Payments Pro this is the solution I came up with.


Open the following file;




Change the following line;


<input type="hidden" name="showShippingAddress" value="true" />


To this;


<input type="hidden" name="showShippingAddress" value="false" />


Everything works as expected now.



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I'm so confused… It sounds like I have the exact same issue, however I don't seem to have that file on my FTP. I have no 'hook' folder, nor can I currently find integral_evolution_payment.tpl… Does anyone have any ideas?

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